Does a jug of rum and coke over dinner, consumed all by myself constutute good behaviour??? It was during last weekend in our annual sail / booze fest (which would normally allow me to be excused from such behaviour)…
Beware nachos shortcuts
We cooked up the nachos in Week 2’s book. Be careful, very careful. We decided to use CCs instead of tortilla shells, figured it would save time, etc. Tortilla shells: 2points for the serve size. CCs: 5 points. Ouch. I ended up +3 yesterday 🙁
Useful URI contains a range of BMI like calculators. The amazing thing is that the WW prediction for my weight range as a bloke is pretty much in line with what this calculator produces
too many ‘naked tasmanians’ means I will probably join you in the ‘increasing girth’ booth…. damn that vanilla vodka
I’m going to be bad this week
Been a horror week of not being good. Say hello to more weight this Monday. Need to concentrate.
Stacks of stacks
There’s a couple of roundabouts near where I live. Nearly every week one of the <<< signs on one of the roundabouts is cleaned up and a new set of fresh tyre marks lead off into the dust. VicRoads dutifully comes back and either bashes it back up with a sledgehammer or puts in a new one. The current one going towards my place is nearly holding a record of three weeks without being flattened. The little one in the middle of the roundabout going the other way has been flattened for the second time this week. However, I was driving to work this morning and saw a new victim - The Really Crap Drivers of the West(tm) have really excelled themselves. One of them took out a very tall light pole. Sheared it completely off at the base and buggered both large lights at the top of the pole, with one of them completely separate. That must have hurt. I wonder why this particular roundabout is the cause of so many accidents with the scenery. Andrew
Interesting combo day
- 2 slices vegemite toast (3 points)
- katsudon (if beef teriyaki on rice is 7.5 points, then this is less as it doesn’t have a sweet sauce, but let’s call it 7.5 points for safety)
- 2 small grilled lamb fillets (about 100 gm all up) + greek salad (7 points)
- 1/2 a waffle with about 3 sliced strawberries in syrup (2.5+1.5 = 4 points)
- beer (2 points)
Total: 25.5 points. And a lovely day of food it was too.
Absolutely no exercise.
guzzle guts strikes again
Meebles ate cooked chicken bones, including ribs and a small femur. I wasn’t game to stick my fingers down his throat – I’d have bloodied stumps if I did.
Hopefully, he’ll pass them in the next day or so. I wonder if cats eyes water?
Not bad
- 30 mins of shoveling stones, watering, and raking.
- 2 slices of vegemite toast 3 (2 starch)
- low fat small “pizza” (better described as 1/2 an open sandwich, but round) about the size milo lid) with chicken, cucumber, capsicum, boccocini cheese 6 points (2 starch – over estimation)
- apple 1
- 1/4 roast chicken (skin off) + greek salad + few chips 3.5 + 4 + 5ish = 12.5 (2 or 3 starch)
21.5 points so far. I have 5 ish points up my sleeve, plus a bonus point or two from the gardening (3.5 points / 30 mins for men!).
Doesn’t help – hungry. Need to drink more tomorrow as well.
Coded all today. Lovely.
Weighty matters
- Weight @ WW: 139 kg (ate just before weigh in, shoes, keys, wallet, coins, first day of large water intake etc)
- Weight @ Home: 137.5 kg (so personal scales are 1.5 kg out from WW scales)
- Next WW goal weight: 125.1 (-13.9 kg)
- Next personal WW goal weight: 134 kg (-5 kg)
- Exercise goal: 3 gardening sessions of at least an hour each, and housework of around 8 hours (it really takes that long) (0 hours of exercise so far this week)
Well, it’s done. I’m a member of Weight Watchers … again. If only losing weight was as easy as going to McDonalds.
I was a good boy today; I ate:
- a tomato and ham on brown bread without marg (4 points) 2 cereal
- tuna salad for lunch (no dressing) (1 point)
- apple (1 point)
- plain hamburger with egg and pineapple (10 points) = at least 2 cereal, plus lots of saturated fats (bad)
- 2 steamed dim sims (4 points)
~ 20 points or thereabouts. I have 23-27 to burn each day, but as 10 of those were oily / greasy, I’m not fussed about the missing 3 points.
I’ve drunk about 2 litres of various fluids today, and it’s hard doing it properly. So almost the quintessential WW day.
Sat through the leader talking up carbs. Interesting. Once I’ve lost a bit of weight, I might experiment with differing levels of carbs and see if there’s any differences for me. I know I have a glacial metabolism, so anything that slows down weight loss is out as far as I’m concerned. At least we got the talk about low GI foods. Still – they want us to have five cereals a day or at least five points from cereals. I have at least 60 weeks on this program ahead of me, plenty of time to conduct experiments.
Might start with porridge. I love porridge and it’s low GI … as long as I don’t toss sugar on it.
Things I’m going to miss:
- Big breakfasts at La Dolce Vita
- Pancakes with maple syrup on a regular basis
- Belgian Beer Cafe’s beer, bangers and mash
There will be a starting photo soon. I’m also going to modify MT to cope with a WW journal style of entry, but don’t hold your breath as I’m very bad at finishing things I start.
PS. Catherine – saw your search … in general, I tend not to mention people I meet in my daily travels unless I’ve talked about my blog with them on the day I’m likely to blog them into posterity. I don’t know who reads this, and I think many like their privacy.