Hey Folks
A quick poll. With weight watchers are you psending more or less on food than you used to? Or is it that you are spending more at Safeways and less at Eagle Boys Pizza?
Category: Weight Loss
More or less
Thought I’d try an entry before my first meeting in two weeks and then one later today, after the weigh in. I am ready to face my demon – an anticipated gain of about 1kg. I was 73.8 at the last meeting after a loss that week of 2kgs – mad. I deserve what I get – you can’t eat hunks of parmesan cheese and not pay for it!!
Jamie Oliver has a blog
I wonder if there’s a Oliver translater somewhere, so put in the unnecessary “darlin’”‘s and so on. It does have a pretty picture of him, though.
Time for monthly photos
When I get home tonight, I’ll upload the first week photos (which aren’t very good).
We need new photos – it’s been a month. We should also take measurements. 🙂
If you’re not coming to our meetings, please e-mail the photos to Inger or myself and we’ll upload them.
I’m vanderaj at greebo dot net, and Inger is at inger at mewburn dot net.
Had to have a hearty think about the 1.2 kg gain I made last night. Although I had been through with my points I noticed that I hadn’t filled in my book completely for the last 2 days. I could have had a few ‘under the bar’ extra points without being overly concious of it if I don’t write it down I find I underestimate in retrospect.
This could relate to your problem too paul? Either that or the menus for that week were stiffed!
I have been suprised to keep losing weight in the preceeding weeks. There had been drinking and chocolate incidents that somehow didn’t show up on the scales so I reckon I was due some payback…still 1.2 kgs felt really harsh!
So this week I am being ultra cautious, hence the zero point vege soup I am cooking as a snack instead of rice crackers and cottage cheese. I am also going to pull my points down to 20 per day and up the exercise and see how I go.
-2.2 kg 🙂
I thank the muffins, the lack of lots of exercise, the diruetic effect of coffee, and Monica for enabling my bad chocolate habit. And McDonalds, which I had once during this weigh in period (for which I got a smack over the hand from Monica).
So that makes -4.1 kg in total.
Now that I have a cleaner, I will need to spend more time in the garden.
Reflections from the Firepool
I scored +0.1 kg last night, which is well down on my past performance. But, I guess, as they say in those ads for investment products, “past performance is no guarantee of future return”. Note that I’m not pissed off at putting on 100 grams (as we deomnstrated last night anyway, the calibration of their scales was a little out (see my comments on environmental factors earlier in this blog (hey Noddy, can you link to earlier blog entries???)))
On the ride home, I started thinking about why the weight loss would have stopped. Strangely enough, Cathi has put a little bit on in the past week as well, and we had a chat about it when I got home (well, after Queer Eye had finished).
Cathi made two salient points:
(a) I had not been so religious/anal in noting down my points consumed over the last week
(b) I had been nowhere near 26 points (my daily points intake) on some daysCombining these two things, I wrote doen my points for Monday, added them up, and found that I was sitting on 20 points. Hmmm. Easy fixed. Some rice crackers, a muffin with vegemite, and a cremé çaramél later, everything was under control.
When thinking about it, I have noticed that I have been quite hungry at work, and oftentimes ravenous at breakfast time, over the last week or so. This morning, not hugely hungry at brekkie, and feeling quite content at the moment (food wise anyway) in the office. This week, I will religiously stick to 26 pints (±0.5 point) and see what difference that makes.
BTW, well done Donna on your loss, and also to the Nodster: 2.2 kg after a fortnight of setback AND surviving your parents’ BBQ!
Crumbed Fish (Week 4, Day 2)
This crumbed fish recipe from the book we picked up last week is bloody brilliant. It’s one of the nicest fish and chips I’ve ever had — we got some Blue Grenadier fresh from the market. Re breadcrumbs: I picked up a 1kg bag for 60 cents from the market weeks ago, and chucked it in the freezer. Keeps for months that way, less messy than making your own, and way cheaper than the boxes you get in the supermarket.
Also, Inger, the fish is baked, not cooked in a frypan, which may make it more Mewburn-household-palatable!
theory on kilograms part 2
I agree on the “every four week” theory – it is better than being obsessed on those days when you have either eaten a huge steak the night before or something stupid. Plus it prevents bizzare behaviour at weigh-ins – one chick I work with not only removes her shoes and jacket, but her bracelets, rings and earrings. I even once say her take her plastic sunnies off her head before hopping on the scales……
by the book update
In response to an email Paul sent me today – so far so good on the by the book week. I cooked the turkish pizza from book four which was delicous by the way, although I precooked the topping in a non stick frypan so it wasn’t crunchy. Raw onions are never good for the blackford family…. 6.5 points and I struggled to finish it. Last night I did singapore noodles which were from an old ww cookbook. Even B thought they were fantastic and insisted on trying to eat them with chopsticks like us – very funny. Doing a stirfry with only a spray of oil is difficult but not impossible.
I have noted every single point, even nibbles off things that I am serving Brendan and it is amazing how they add up over the course of a day. I reckon this is where I have been fudging facts more then anything else. A previous ww leader suggested that instead of eating those ‘point free’ nibbles you put whatever it is in a container in the fridge and watch how much you accumulate over the week. I did this once and it was pretty shocking how much food was slipping in under the radar.
I have also walked everyday for at least an hour and a half because B is stroppy when confined indoors and I figure I might as well take advantage of it.
I will be pretty peeved if I don’t lose at least 1 kg this week…