Category: Weight Loss

  • Theory on kilogram kounting

    I have been thinking about weight, weighing in, etc. I reckon that losing 0.3 to 0.5 kg a week is a reasonable effort. Last night, I weighed my wallet and keys, which sometimes I have taken out, sometimes I have left in: 0.425 kg. Clothing differences (eg shorts and T-shirt vs full body armour) would have variations as well. Other than the first week (when I got charged with pub(l)ic indecency) I have made an effort to be consistent about the clothes I wear, but as the weather changes, this may not be feasible.

    My theory is this: weigh in every week, but compare your weight to what you weighed in at four weeks earlier, not the previous week. This will give you a good idea of how you are trending, and there is enough scope in there for weight loss (typically 1.2 – 2.0 kg) to cover any clothing differences for the week. Then make this a rolling four week comparison (eg week 5 comapre to week 1, week 6 cf Week 2, etc).

    Thoughts? Or am I way off the mark here?

  • how many points in these?

  • denial

    Hi all – first blog entry for me. I promise not to be bad this week – that is, after I finish my ham and cheese toastie……….
    this is a late entry cause I just realised I have to select “publish” (oops)

  • new authors

    I took the liberty of inviting a few fellow tubbies, I have added 3 new authors:

    My twin sis Anitra
    My parents Roger and Marg
    and my Sister in law Aurora

    All of whom are with the program. Looking forward to sharing their pain….

  • shopping by the book

    I took Big Red’s advice this morning and worked out a menu plan for the week based on the book but substituting to make it mostly vegie.

    It was super quick to do the shopping and I saved about 30 bucks off my normal grocery bill. I think Paul is a living example of following the books – so I aim to lose at least 1kg this week by being organised and a raving WW points nutter.

    How are you going Andrew? Did you weigh in?

  • Jacques Stats

    Weighed in originally at 110
    2nd meeting 107.8
    3rd meeting 107
    4th meeting 106.4

  • mock meats

    Hey Folks
    How do i work out the points value of some of the mock meats i eat? (Oddly enough the WW book doesnt have a section on Vincents Vegetarian)

  • Stats for Inger

    118.3 kg at Week 0. Do you want week by week stats Ing? If so:
    Week 1: -2.6 kg
    Week 2: -1.2 kg
    Week 3: -2.2 kg


  • Whacko

    Well, at my fourth meeting, I managed to score the “You’ve lost 5kg” bookmark. I have actually lost 6kg exactly since records began four weeks ago. I have not really arced up the exercise, just stuck pretty religiously to the menus provided.

  • chinese nibblet nightmare

    damn those tiny dim sims.

    Bloody half a point per mouthfull and they go down so quickly….

    Can I blame tonight’s probable weight gain on the fact that I have to weigh in my birkenstocks?

    (fixed the stylesheet though. Any suggestions welcome)