Category: Weight Loss

  • Down again!

    Lost 1.5kg for the week. This is a total of 24.7kg for the year, and I am now 6.6 kg off achieving goal weight. Next Monday night is my last Monday night; I am switching to Saturday mornings starting Saturday week. I will take out a 12 week membership ion Saturday week. The aim then is to have at least some of the that time (hopefully six weeks!) in maintenance. I think I will have a better idea of how realistic that aim is after Monday night. If I can maintain ~ 1kg/week then it is.

    Is anyone else using this blog anymore?

  • Last night

    I put on 0.6kg. Seems that the rest of the tubbies + Keef were MIA 🙁

    Last night would have to be the best meeting I’ve been to. Really spirited discussion, and I picked up some highly useful tips on boredom eating.

  • 2 nite

    How do people think that they will go tonight? I’ve had an up and down week. I think that I will put on, which is a shame. The same themes keep popping up:

    * boredom @ work;
    * colder weather => need for more energy (or is this just an excuse)?

    and the chocky mud cake at the futures retreat I attended will not help matters, I am sure.

    A quick weigh on my scales at home would indicate a rise of ~ 1kg for the week 🙁

    Of the thirty kg I had to lose, the first twenty was a doddle. I’ve been hanging between 20 and 25kg for a while now. It took be nineteen weeks to lose the first 20kg. In that last ten weeks I have lost 3.5kg. Time to refocus I think.

  • Weight loss

    Lost 2kg last night, and, in the process, I passed by the 20% mark inasmuch as I have now lost slightly more than 20% of my starting weight!
    Hey ho!

  • Tonight’s weigh in

    I have no idea how I will go tonight. Attempts at tracking and keeping on top of things were derailed by anniversary dinner and a one year old’s 1st b’day party (how many pts is fairy bread?)

    I am hoping for a loss, but expecting a(nother) small gain. We will see.

  • a present?

  • There is a god and evidently he hates me!

    In dire need of caffiene i went for a mid afternoon wander (in leiu of the lunch break i never got around to having). I found a cafe and had an iced coffee (with no icecream of course) and while i was sitting there reading (Wilhelm Reich in Hell by R Anton Wilson) I noticed that the cafe sold chocolate crackles. Those who know me well would know i love chocolate crackles but being the concientous lad i am i decided not to buy one. The lady behind the counter saw me looking at them and gave me one on the house. Any any other point in my life i would have thanked her (and asked her to marry me) but in my current weight watching healthy mode it was a bit of a conflict. Mind you i did accept the chocolate crackle. I had been sitting there telling myself to look but not eat but as W.C Fields said about persistence:

    “If at first you dont succeed try try again, then give up since its no use being a damn fool about it.”

  • Moment of Truth

    Tonight we’ll see how bad the last few weeks have been for me. I’m looking ofrward to this weigh in — I suspect that this will be the thing that gets me back on track.

    outlines some of the sins…

  • post adenndum or is it post mortem

    Damn I only lost 0.1 this week. All that yoga and naught to show for it apart from an increased ability to do headstands. I am going to have to be a very good boy for the next few weeks if i am going to get anywhere near close.

    By the way I am having a problem with yoga headstands. This problem is one that none of the yoga masters i have read about have ever had to face. When you are in the headstand position how do you maintain composure and posture when the cat starts licking your face?

  • tonight

    Hey folks
    Who feels good about tonights weigh in?
    I have been my usual fuzzy with the points but generally ok self and apart from last nights curry (seehk kebabs and pumpkin madras and a 50 cent dark chocolate bar) I think I have been relatively good. Given that I did 9.5 hours of yoga over the last week I am hoping for a good result. My current aim is to get to 88K by the end of July. Why 88K I hear you ask? When i reach that toal I will have lost 20% of the body weight I was when i joined WW. I am currently at 92.something so i dont think it is unachievable.
    Woohooo roll on getting the roll off.