Category: Weight Loss

  • Blow Out

    Dateline: Sunday. In the afternoon there are two *fully catered* events: an engagement party, and a 35th birthday party. The birthday party had these little toasted biscuits with avocado and chicken on them – YUM. I downed five; worked out later that they were about 1 point each – WHOOPS.

    Pre dinner, managed to work out the points value for what i ate at both events, and ended up only 4 over for the day… I do not expect to lose a huge amount this week…

  • Tarting up

    I have had a bit of a fiddle with the stylesheets, not very auccessfully though. Be buggered if I can work out how to get rid of those dark grey borders. Does anyone have some css mastery?

    I have put a field in to record our starting weights and the current weights, if we all have an oline confessional I can fill them in….

    Inger start: 86.4
    Inger now: 84.6


    I have been feeling a bit off the wagon, haven’t actually done anything *bad* but haven’t been exercising. Will have to take you up on your offer of helping with the gardening Andrew….

  • Not too bad… and I have a pass

    Well, I went to the Werribee meeting tonight and it’s full of hotties. Seriously. Scrubber count: 0.

    The leader was nice lady who reminded me of a woman I worked with in Westpac called Wendy. It’s in a nice newly re-painted room hanging off a community center.

    Guess what? The free join thingy is on again. We missed by like three weeks. I have a free joining voucher if anyone has any friends who can use it. I also have a “get out of weighing” card. Just the one. The idea is that for a limited number of times a year if you’ve been bad. The idea is that you face the music anyway, but it gives you relief if you have been bad and it doesn’t go on your record.

    Downside of this meeting location: it’s in Werribee, and it’s even further away from Melbourne than any meeting I’ve done in Victoria so far.

    So news: I’ve put on 0.1 kg. I weighed with change and everything, so it could be that this is actually a zero loss, but it’s still not a loss, so I’m bad. Need to work less hours, and eat less crap, and get out in the garden.

    Monica needs to lose 10 kg, by the way. I need to lose another 57.

    See you all Monday.

  • Jugs

    Does a jug of rum and coke over dinner, consumed all by myself constutute good behaviour??? It was during last weekend in our annual sail / booze fest (which would normally allow me to be excused from such behaviour)…

  • Beware nachos shortcuts

    We cooked up the nachos in Week 2’s book. Be careful, very careful. We decided to use CCs instead of tortilla shells, figured it would save time, etc. Tortilla shells: 2points for the serve size. CCs: 5 points. Ouch. I ended up +3 yesterday 🙁

  • Useful URI contains a range of BMI like calculators. The amazing thing is that the WW prediction for my weight range as a bloke is pretty much in line with what this calculator produces

  • drinkin’

    too many ‘naked tasmanians’ means I will probably join you in the ‘increasing girth’ booth…. damn that vanilla vodka

  • I’m going to be bad this week

    Been a horror week of not being good. Say hello to more weight this Monday. Need to concentrate.

  • Interesting combo day

    • 2 slices vegemite toast (3 points)
    • katsudon (if beef teriyaki on rice is 7.5 points, then this is less as it doesn’t have a sweet sauce, but let’s call it 7.5 points for safety)
    • 2 small grilled lamb fillets (about 100 gm all up) + greek salad (7 points)
    • 1/2 a waffle with about 3 sliced strawberries in syrup (2.5+1.5 = 4 points)
    • beer (2 points)

    Total: 25.5 points. And a lovely day of food it was too.

    Absolutely no exercise.

  • Not bad


    • 30 mins of shoveling stones, watering, and raking.


    • 2 slices of vegemite toast 3 (2 starch)
    • low fat small “pizza” (better described as 1/2 an open sandwich, but round) about the size milo lid) with chicken, cucumber, capsicum, boccocini cheese 6 points (2 starch – over estimation)
    • apple 1
    • 1/4 roast chicken (skin off) + greek salad + few chips 3.5 + 4 + 5ish = 12.5 (2 or 3 starch)

    21.5 points so far. I have 5 ish points up my sleeve, plus a bonus point or two from the gardening (3.5 points / 30 mins for men!).

    Doesn’t help – hungry. Need to drink more tomorrow as well.

    Coded all today. Lovely.