Category: Weight Loss

  • A let off?

    Only went up +0.2kg, which is often considered by yours truly as being within environmental parameters, so effectively no move, despite my week of gastronomic debauchery.

    I really felt for one person I spoke to there last night, who has started on WW AND quit smoking at the same time. Good on her, I say, (what an effort!) but it must be hard…

  • This could be ugly

    Consider the following facts:

    1. A total absence of any decent exercise since last WW;
    2. A schmooze-y work dinner on Tuesday night;
    3. Dinner out with some friends with (I only realized it later) mashed spuds with *cream* and butter
    4. Enagagement/housewarming bash on Saturday arvo for the genetically aligned, which included a piece of black forest cake, and a piece of cream sponge (not to mention chips)
    5. Some chocloate based sinning on a stressful Friday last week.

    Here are some interesting reflections from this:

  • Lose weight easy way, and line of the day

    I’ve just lost 0.2kg in 15 mins. The secret? A hair cut and beard trim.

    As I was walking back from the barber, a guy has approached me: “Hey, mate, I haven’t eaten for two days –”

    I cut him off and said, “What remarkable self control! Who is your group leader?” and kept walking. He stared after me, quite confused, poor petal.

  • the case for McD?

    Documentary on Fast Food Sparks Both Criticism and Intrigue

    Three burgers a day.,4120,1233176,00.html

    Sundance Channel: Morgan Spurlock

    Debunk the Junk: Soso Whaley’s McDonald’s Adventure

    The Super Size Me Con

    Super Size Me [QuickTime]

    America’s Fattest and Fittest Cities

    Morgan Spurlock’s recent documentary and extended nutrition experiment has
    garnered great attention, both in the United States and abroad. By now, most
    people know that the documentary consists of him making his way to McDonalds
    and eating there several times a day for 30 days in a row. Since its
    release, the film has also done quite well, as it passed the 200-screen week
    this past week, and has already grossed over $6 million. Things continue to
    look positive for Spurlock as he has recently signed a tentative book deal,
    and has also just signed a deal to create a one-hour reality television
    show. All is not completely tranquil, as a number of critics and other
    pundits have begun to embark on their own separate projects that emphasize
    personal responsibility when it comes to eating habits and such matters. One
    such critic is Soso Whaley, an animal trainer based in Washington, DC, who
    is making her own documentary where she also eats at McDonald’s for thirty
    days. The twist is that she eats the healthier options available on their
    menu, and as a result loses weight and her cholesterol also drops
    significantly. She plans to enter her film in the Sundance Film Festival as
    well, thereby keeping the ball rolling on the whole debate for at least
    another year.

  • This little piggy had roast beef…

    Was feezing cold and windblown by the time I got hom elast night, so I knida blew out my points a bit with a couple of cheese toasties with some hunks of roast beef atop. Yum, but 10 points 🙁

  • Let’s see if this pedometer works

    Okay, so I bought a Bonus Buddy.

    I’ve read a couple of other places that 11,000 paces is about right for a continuous weight loss regime. I’ll try a day of “Andrew” exercise, and get back to everyone about how bad that is, and then I’ll up it if I can to 11,000 whilst I’m in Sydney.

    I’d be interested in seeing how many steps a bonus point takes according to the pedometer.

    I’m also staying with a vegetarian whilst in Sydney, so I’ll find some of the better places and eat there. Back to tracking!


  • Why hello there

    hi everyone, how’ve we all been? i don’t really have alot to say i think i’m having a bad year at the rate i’m going! i have been losing but very slowly (ie 2kgs in just over 1 month) which i know they say is the best way to go but its a little discouraging! i worked as a volunteer with st john’s at the footy last weekend and had to run the entire length of the mcg (we had a guy who had a cardiac arrest) and it opened my eyes to just how unfit i really am so i am making a conscious effort this week to up the exercise otherwise i’m never going to get to goal! (by the time we got there I thought they may’ve had to revive me!) anyways, you guys are going great guns by the sounds of it so keep up the good work!

  • On BMI

    I’m now down to a BMI of 27.2. For the hell of it, I worked out the next milestone BMIs for myself:

    27 95.4
    26 91.9 (note that at 94.6 I will have lost 20% of my starting mass!)
    25 88.4

    To hit a BMI of 23 (in theory the mid range, although I suspect that would make me a bit too scarily skinny) I would need to hit 81.3kg. (too light?).

    Strangely, WW says my 25 BMI is 87kg. Perhaps I was having a short night when they measured me 🙂 (I’m assuming 188cm, but 1.87cm does hit 87 kg, in which case my BMIs would be 27 == 94.4; 26 == 90.9, and 25 == 87.4)

  • Some good stuff

    Out of a WW book, last night I made a risotto with bruschetta on the side. It tasted like cardboard.

  • Help!

    Help! I am starting to get really big sweet tooth urges. I’m not sure why it would start ~ 5 months into the program, but I am having great difficulty walking past, for eg, the lolly stand at the newsagency in the student union. I have managed to resist so far, but I can feel the will weakening.

    Is it a function fo the colder weather? Any tips? I’m starting to sweat like a junkie needing their next hit whenever I walk past… large jaffas… TPTCTF… argh!