Category: Weight Loss

  • Totally rooted

    Well, I think I am stuffed this week as far as weigh in is concerned. Came down with a cold on Thursday, got big carb’n’fat cravings (as I am wont to do when I have a cold), and figured what the hell, you are best to feed a cold (and starve a fever).

    Eati ng badness continued until Saturday evening. Then yesterday, I slept most of the morning, and woke up sans voice. Still feeling whacked out, but I needed to come in to work today, if, for nothing else, get the latest instalment of The Human Dynamo, live to my inbox.

    However, in Pur Points, I have come across the best cheesy bacon slice kind of thing @ 2 pts each. Yum.

    Enough rambling. See you tonight, although if the voice gives out again, we might be communicating via sign language.

  • My Top WW tips

    Here’s stuff that I have learnt from WW and the meetings which have helped me in my weight loss:

    1. Drink room temp water. It’s more filling than chilled water.
    2. Clean your teeth. You’re less liekly to eat if you’ve cleaned your teeth (toothpaste + OJ == Yuck)
    3. Consider portion sizes. If in doubt, cut 20% off the portion size.
    4. Grazing is Good.
    5. Sweet stuff should be a treat. When I was growing up, sweet stuff was only for special occasions, or in small amounts. I no longer did this before WW, used to gorge myself.
    6. Points Tracking is Important, but if you don’t reflect and think about what you’ve tracked, and modify as appropriate, points tracking is Useless.

  • Photos

    Hey Folks isnt it time we did another photo shoot at WW?

  • well done Paul ! – you are making my paltry 3.5 seem even more pathetic 🙁

    Sorry about the no show last night, been fighting off this cold all week and just felt too tired and over it to do anything more after I got home last night…I have been pretty good though, and I have upped the exercise by incorporating it in my daily routine by walking to the station to catch the train (20 mintues each way) with B instead of being lazy and grabbing the tram out front. I also went to the zoo with B today and walked around for an hour or so. I am going to *try* at least to do it everyday.

    Cooking zuchinni slice tonight – 3 points a piece – bargain!

  • 20kg mark

    Well, last night I hopped onto the scales to find that I have lost 20.5 kg since commencing the program in January. Woo-hoo! The light is at the end of the tunnel, and it not an approaching train! 10.8kg to go until I hit the upper limit of goal range. Perhaps my plan to be within of 5kg of goal before heading OS is not so fanciful after all… 5kg in 5 weeks — can he do it? It’d be nice, but no matter if not.


  • Paradise Lost

    What I forgot to say in the previous entry is that it’s those wretched Paradise biscuits that have been doing me in 🙁 Just too damned nice, especially the choc chip ones.

    I also noted something interesting, can’t recall if I blogged it or not… the days when I do *not* struggle with keeping under points are the days when I have a high protein brekkie, eg baked beans or bacon/egg.

    Food for thought, so to speak?

  • Leon’s getting laaarger

    Well, I’ve been consistently eating about 2-3 points above my daily allowance for a week now…. not expecting a good result at all tonight… my own fault though 🙁

  • I cried and cried and cried

    Man was it funny.

    Then I’m a sicko.


  • And the good news is, it’s low on points

  • I’ve been mostly good

    Had a small problem with dessert on Tuesday night, but other than that… I’ve been doing okay. I took a lean cuisine in today for lunch for a change.

    Nice to spend less than $10 / day just going to work for once.
