Category: Weight Loss

  • (F)atkins diet

    Some wude words, but excellent stuff

  • Well done ajv!

    Well done Noddy! You contributed nearly 1/7 of the total loss for the meeting. Way to go dude!

  • Small obstacles

    Hey Inger I know what you mean about small obstacles, etc.

    I personally don’t find food issues to be too much of an obstacle: with the exception of TPTCTF I am reasonably good at resisting anything which is unacceptable (OK, and Cathi’s mud cake too 😉

    What is killing me is the exercise issue. I am only sporadically making it to Kung Fu training, which is actually causing me quite some heartache, as it is the only regular form of exercise I get. I have set myself what I think to be relatively modest goal of three sessions a fortnight (in theory every Tuesday night, and every second Saturday). So far I have made just one in the last fortnight.

  • a cry for help

    Paul, I wish I was like you but I find only one ‘bad’ day can lead to gains. Maybe this is another thing that sucks about being a chick? We sure love to hang onto those fat cells (in order to survive a famine I guess, whereas the males are expendable? :).

    Anyway I have no doubt a gain as I had a kids party food blow out of major poportions on Saturday – about 9 pts on sausage rolls plus too many chips. That night I had dinner at Donna’s place, so it wasn’t at the usual toddler friendly 6pm but at the more sophisticated time of 9:30pm…. luckily her small brush with ww has meant the food wasn’t as bad as it used to be in terms of points (alas the woman is the best cook I know and her food is delicous. It was good to see that being lower in fat she is still managing to make it taste fabulous). But – as I have worked out, eating late is really bad for me – it has happened four times this week due to a number of circumstances (mostly around a pressing deadline).

    I went into full on damage control on Sunday but a late dinner (pasta, carbs after 8pm not good) due to a wacky schedule probably only made matters worse I suspect.

    I am getting really frustrated as it isn’t one major thing but a series of small obstacles that together make a bad picture. Combined with the no time for exercise (and this isn’t just laziness I promise, I have a big presentation at the end of the month for my masters submission and I am shitting myself over it).
    I really actually don’t want to go tonight because i fear the scales. Does anyone have a ‘no record’ card? I don’t think I can take another gain tonight but I know that when I feel like this it is the time that you really *have* to go…..

  • Further to pauls weekend

    Further to Pauls post on weekend blow outs. I am rapidly becoming convinced that I am on a binge and purge cycle (if i maaaay call it that). I tend to have one week where for whatever reason i am ‘good’ and get a good result on the scales and then i have a week where once again for whatever reason I am ‘bad’ and i tend to have a negative or at best neutral result on the scales.

    Does anyone else have the same experience?

    I wish i was weighing in tomorrow as i am donating blood at lunchtime. donating a pint or 2 has to cause some weight loss.

  • Cruel and unusual punishment

    Mr DF Kosky: I have to try and work out some cruel and unusual punishment for you. Daring to make bookclub members read a book about a chef’s culinary adventures around the world whilst 5/6 members are on WW or a similar hit… tsk tsk tsk 😉

  • Good week; bad day

    Had a reasonably good week, but Saturday was a shocker: 34 points — +9 for the day. Ouch. I clawed back half of that yesterday.

    The main culprit was TPTCTF — 8 points worth on Saturday night over a hand of cards.

    The only thing that makes me think that I may not balloon right up is that the belt has comfortably headed in another notch this week. Ah well, I guess that all will be revealed tonight.

  • A good reason to lose weight

  • What a week

    Well, only one blow out, and the day was today.

    4 pikelets with nothing on them for breakfast (4 pts)

    Then I drove to Mother’s Day. This year, it’s a feast up at Rupertswood. I am glad this is the last big thing until Dad’s b’day in August – no more excuses. Anyway, here’s the fixed menu (no choices except to not eat a particular course, which of course I didn’t take advantage of):

    small bread roll (you know, the small bake-at-home style)
    4 large spinach ravolis in a napolese sauce (6? pts)
    roast skin-off chicken thigh on a bed of mashed potato and steamed veges (prolly 8 pts considering the serve size)
    what was billed as a chestnut and something gateaux, turned out to be a chocolate mud cake with lavender chocolate sauce and whipped cream. With a strawberry. (shitloads)
    An incredibly v. small and diminitative chocolate (=petit four, ~ 1pt)
    coffee (0)
    3 champagnes (lots)
    4 glasses of water (0)

    I went for a couple of short walks – the air was very stuffy as they had about 100 people in a medium sized ballroom. I earnt maybe 1 or 2 bonus points from this wander around.

    That left me feeling very full, but… by 7.15 pm I was hungry again. So I nuked:

    weight watchers thai curry meal (=5.5 pts)

    Unfortunately, 320 grams is just not enough.

    So I ate the rest of the chocolate block that Monica expertly hid. Two rows by four pieces of Dream white chocolate.

    That did it.

  • Safe configuration

    Just to let everyone know, I’ve updated MT to the latest version, and changed a couple of things around to make it safer to use MT as per Luke’s instructions from a while ago.

    However, this does mean that the URL had to change, and you may need to log on again. If anyone needs their passwords reset, please let me know via e-mail and remember it’s to vanderaj now.
