Category: Weight Loss

  • I finally made it on here!

    After much arguing with my computer (and Telstra) I’ve finally made it on here! Thanks Noddy for setting me up! : )
    Had to laugh Jaques, this is good news not bad! Jeans West are pretty decent so may be worth a look. Also Paul, if I had more time I’d sign up for that study, I think i’d be a worthwhile candidate! And Jaques, e-mail me about what you want to do about the book. I can drop past tomorrow before the meeting and grab it if that’s enough notice otherwise e-mail me and let me know. Anyways guys, good luck for Monday and I’ll stay in touch!

  • Long time no post.

    We have a new member, Alison. She will post here soon, I hope.

    I’ve also updated Paul’s weight loss stats. Mine will go up tomorrow I think.

    If anyone else wants to have these done, please feed me data and I’ll create it.

  • freaking WW is going to cost me $$$

    I got up this morning and decided to put on a new pair of jeans so i grabbed a pair and then went to walk across my room to get a belt. I took three steps and the jeans slipped down past my waist to around my knees. Obviously I am now going to have to go shopping for new tighter jeans lest i be arrested for flashing (which isnt a big problem because its usually dismissed due to lack of evidence).

    Anyone know where i can get some good but reasonably cheap jeans?

    Ps i am an obsessive shopper but not a compulsive one. 🙂

  • Compulsive habits

    6. Researchers seeking compulsive shoppers

    Researchers from the Department of Psychology are seeking
    research subjects for a study into binge buying and compulsive

    Anyone who is suffering from compulsive shopping or experiencing
    such symptoms as uncontrollable urges to shop, purchasing
    much more than intended with many of the items going unused,
    significant debts and family problems due to overspending, and
    feelings of guilt and shame because of binge buying is eligible.

    In addition, subjects not experiencing difficulties with buying,
    but who are interested in supporting research in this field
    are also required.

    Participants will be asked to complete several questionnaires
    and tasks, and treatment is also available through the University
    of Melbourne Psychology Clinic. For ethical reasons, no rewards
    can be offered other than the increased understanding of
    compulsive shopping in Australia. Participants will, however,
    be reimbursed $20 to cover any travel or other expenses.

    Contact Paul McQueen or Carl Zabel in the Department of
    Psychology, by telephone to 8344 5572.

    This is an Ethics Committee approved study.

  • Testicular Lin(d)t

    How much are Lindt balls worth? Uni House has started selling (fucking) Belgian chocolates. Two for $1.20. I reckon that each is about 0.5 the size of a Lindt ball.

  • Double figures at last!

    Double figures at last! Woo-hoo! The last time I was this light (excluding the glandular fever incident of 1991) was in 1987… half a lifetime ago.

    I’m now close to finishing off the fourth of my six 5kg blocks that I had/have to lose (I’ll worry about the leftover 1.3kg after the sixth block) — 19.4kg for the year. Yeah!

  • Bok for WW

  • Bonus Point query

    How many BPs do you earn for a bout of gastro? 🙁 I’ve had a total of four points today, and am having trouble even keeping water down.

    At least I might crack the double figures on Monday now :-\


  • Feeling back on track

    After three weeks of basically going nowhere (total loss of 0.7 over the last three weeks), I’m feelign as though I’m back on track. Despite the cold, I ate only 23.5 points (25 max) yesterday, and have had 4.5 so far today (1030) with no hunger pangs at all. The belt is threatening to move in another notch too. At the risk of making this sound like a project management wankfest, the forthcoming key risks I see are:

    (a) TPTCTF for dessert on my birthday;
    (b) chocky mud cake on Sunday for the barfday nicpic;
    (c) lack of exercise due to the cold

    It’s interesting that even though I feel as though the last three weeks have been going nowhere for me as far as weight loss goes, I’ve still managed three quarters of a kilogram, or, extrapolating, still losing weight at the respectable rate of a kilogram a month. Frankly, at the start of the WW adventure, if someone had offered me 1kg/month weight loss, I would have taken it. The fact that I’ve managed to be losing on average 1kg a week so far is so much the bonus (points ha ha).


  • Make mine gelatine

    celery log.bmp

    I finally found that link to the 70’s weight watchers cards jacques. Contains many delights, including celery log above. Unfortunately they don’t have the recipes. Dang. Enjoy 🙂

    The guided tour rocks…

    (my favourite is this one. Cried I tell you. Gonna put a perma link on sidebar for this site)